Monday, January 27, 2014

Unit 2 Readings

3. Billboard Design 101

- Create a clear visual HierarchyThe more important the more prominent, things related logically are related visually, & grouped visually.
-Take Advantage of Conventions; We’ve all been to one, and more importantly remember some sort of headline, or visual text hierarchy. Take advantage of what they had already implemented and take it one step further if it needs to.
-Break pages up into clearly defined Areas it allows the users to quickly navigate and ignore certain areas.
-Make it obvious what is clickable Since the majority of the time, were just looking for the next thing to click, make it obvious so the user isn’t wasting time looking.
-Minimize Noise Business and background noise, take away from the main info. When everything is fighting for attention, what sticks out? Nothing.

4. Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?

- Talked about mindlessness, and that people don’t generally care about how many clicks it takes to get to a page, if its not painful or they’re feeling like it is becoming strenuous. Also, let people know what page they are on or give them a general navigational pathway/acknowledgement.

5. Omit Needless Words

-This chapter really emphasized the use of words and the lack there of. generally stating that if it is not needed or really giving you insight on something, is it really important? As well as to quick with the happy talk; your not trying to cheer people up or welcome them to your site. they should already feel welcome.

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