Thursday, March 27, 2014

Portfolio biznasty - Brad "bitchface pussy lipped" Jensen, our friend and colleague,  with the hot fire in the photo department!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2nd Team Response

Antonio said he wanted to see a faster method of exchanging information with our tag app, but after explaining to them that this app would be more for social networking and sitting down with someone, we think that just having their contact information and electronic business card would already be embedded into a users profile.
Ryan said he wants to see some minor changes with our logo design, making the white space bigger on our name sticker, and making the hand more noticeable and easier to understand what it is.
They also discussed with us whether this would be a free app or a paid app, and where our funding would come from. We decided that our funding would come from small local businesses paying to promote “Tagging” in their businesses with coupons to draw business in. So if a person were to “tag” someone at their bar they might offer a 20% off pitcher of beer, allowing businesses to draw people in but still allowing users to sit down and have a social interaction.
They also wanted to see running characters that look like they are playing tag, like the ones from our sketches, which we will implement into our loading screen

Unit 9 reading

What not to do when making an app - A bunch of design mumbo Jumbo & hoopla. Though it does go into general important aspects of design. Don't add a bunch of unimportant stuff that just adds confusion, dont think that everyone uses the app the same way you do, Don't leave people hanging or lost in an unknown tab, our phones have high res screens dont waste them, and other shenanigans of that manor. it does relay some good info, its just seems like a mom repeating the rules a kids suppose to follow.

Whos gonna rebel though!? Isn't that the reason most of us like an artist? because they broke the rules? #Evolution

Unit 8 reading

Tale of a Top App 1 & 2 -  Steal Steal Steal; Thats what good artists do. Why put forth extra trial and error when someone already has done that for you? Like the beginning of the 1st part stated, why recreate an already working model? though, yes we do learn more from our mistakes then accomplishments, we should work off our progressing mistakes then trying to recreate the wheel.

Really honing in our concept and defining what we want and are looking for in an app and in our projected demographics. Hitting it to them with the styles and techniques that are working best, Interwebz & Television. Also, dont be lazy and try things for yourself. Go out there and do it, because thats the part of trial and error no one can accomplish for you. Make websites, show your buddies, spread that word of mouth, its all networking and one day it will get to someone larger.

good list to go by...

  1. Yes, marketing matters! Start way before your app launches.
  2. Do it yourself by making friends in the industry.
  3. Build buzz through social media.
  4. Concentrate the marketing in blasts.
  5. Spend time getting your pitch right.

Unit 7 reading

MOBILE, MOBILE, MOBILE! We live on our phones, tablets and laptops we need to overcome our old mindset and really start designing for what we use most. Further reaching our demographic and creating an easier, more fun approach to websites and other interwebular activities.

Unit 6 Reading

Flat Vs. Skeuomorphic design and generally how Apple has mastered this. Breaking down the actual functional ability of design and user interface compared to what it could accomplish. one becoming cleaner and easier to work with and changing our aspects on design. Though the other is still very much needed and help transform our surroundings. The flat, easily readable and almost pop art logos/icons and text, which is flooding the scene is becoming the new standard.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Concept Statement:

Tag! You’re it

Concept - The good ol’ fashioned game of tag, recreated to be more interactive and business friendly. Colliding networking with fun and social activity, Tag, would be the new “It” app for business meetings, conventions, or for fun citywide use. Using your phones built in GPS system and your Facebook account to easily recognize who’s playing/it and allows users to adapt on the fly! Creating a social environment for the socially inept.

Audience – Businesses, networking aficionado’s, socially inept people, the average Joe, etc..

Feed back: "an app for Pansies" - Sam

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

App ideas

  •  Pirate text editor - Too drunk to text? Possibly just acting a fool or even driving? Let your friends know with the pirate text editor app. How it works? Once you start texting errors the app auto corrects your words into pirate lingo matey!

  • Tag! your it - Using your GPS tracker and able to change city wide to world wide, its an app for a giant game of tag. Giving you GPS coordiantes on a google maps screen and a facebook photo of your target/s Go around with your day/week until you tag another person!

  • Face Shazaam - Forget  friends face but know you know them? Face Shazaam! Like the music finding app, except with facial recognition and raiding your facebook!

  • Fake sound -Say your at one place but really at another? the fake sound app would give the person your talking too a false sense of your somewhere your not! at work, a party, a baseball game. The sound would project out of your speakers while your talking, giving the listener a false sense of truthfulness

  • Couch surfing - For vagabonds and bums alike, the couch surfer app will give the cheap guy on the road a safe place to sleep for the evening. Brothels to hostels, couchs to camping spots. this app would show the safest placest to sleep while your on the road with ranking system and all!

  • where not to go - Like yelp but vice versa, Telling the stories and ratings of the worst places to go near you.

  • Active police Blotter - Nobody knows where the next crimes gonna happen. Though the police blotter would give you a night to night basis of whats happening around you.

  • Battle shits - Who takes the biggest shit?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Book PDF

issuu is wiggin' out PDF
Unit 5 Readings

8. “The Farmer & the Cowman should be friends”
-Farmer Vs. cowmen, One like websites one way and express how they feel it should be, the other does vice versa. As well there is no average web user and in general all Web users are unique, and all Web use is basically idiosyncratic.

9. Usability testing on 10 cents a day

- Often times, peoples bitch and bicker about things that generally not important at all, to only find out the thing they were arguing on is not even relevant to what sort of issues are really going on. Same thing with web design. Usability testing; Always: Magic number 3-4, anywhere on anyone. As well don’t throw out old ideas, a little fix can go along way.

Unit 4 Readings

7. “The Big Bang theory of Web design
- Like the early 50’s game show where people were told to do wacky stunts for money but right before they would do the stunt the Mcee would add a twist like adding a blindfold. Websites are the same way in the essence that they must accommodate to the home page being the selling main drive of the site yet fill in the other nonsense requirements while keeping a clean. Or in the sense, doing it blindfolded.. but like a game show, not everybody can win.

All in all, even with all commotion, remember not too lose what your trying to convey in the sight, and nothing can be negative spacing and a good tagline!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Unit 3 reading

6.  Street signs & breadcrumbs - Fact: People wont use your website if people can't navigate it. As well, in real life, people memorize if they screw up & usually tend to remember the correct path. Where as on web though, there is generally no correct or consistent way every time. Navigation isn't a feature of the website, it is the website now days. And with this new mentality its getting easier and easier for people to get lost, confused, or just strayed away. Almost like kicking a rural country kid in the middle of a bustling busy city, in which he's never been to before and telling him to find his own way home.

Plus these were fun..

Ps. The images might be a little weird... damn you PNG!


New Project Research

Scatter, Adapt And Remember - This brilliantly speculative work of popular science focuses on humanity’s long history of dodging the bullet, as well as on new threats that we may face in years to come. Most important, it explores how scientific breakthroughs today will help us avoid disasters tomorrow. From simulating tsunamis to studying central Turkey’s ancient underground cities; from cultivating cyanobacteria for “living cities” to designing space elevators to make space colonies cost-effective; from using math to stop pandemics to studying the remarkable survival strategies of gray whales, scientists and researchers the world over are discovering the keys to long-term resilience and learning how humans can choose life over death.


An Astronaut's guide to life on earth - An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, Col. Hadfield takes readers deep into his years of training and space exploration to show how to make the impossible possible. Through eye-opening, entertaining stories filled with the adrenaline of launch, the mesmerizing wonder of spacewalks, and the measured, calm responses mandated by crises, he explains how conventional wisdom can get in the way of achievement-and happiness. His own extraordinary education in space has taught him some counterintuitive lessons: don't visualize success, do care what others think, and always sweat the small stuff.


Smarter than you think - In Smarter Than You Think Thompson shows that every technological innovation—from the written word to the printing press to the telegraph—has provoked the very same anxieties that plague us today. We panic that life will never be the same, that our attentions are eroding, that culture is being trivialized. But as in the past, we adapt—learning to use the new and retaining what’s good of the old.


Cinnamon & Gunpowder - The year is 1819, and renowned chef Owen Wedgwood has been kidnapped by the ruthless pirate Mad Hannah Mabbot — who announces that he will be spared as long as he puts exquisite food in front of her every Sunday without fail. To appease the red-haired captain, Wedgwood gets cracking with the meager supplies on board. Soon he's making tea-smoked eel and brewing pineapple-banana cider. But Mabbot — who exerts a curious draw on the chef — is under siege.


Curiosity & Method: 10 years of cabinet magazine -


Project 2 Research

Jim Henson: the Autobiography -  He was a gentle dreamer whose genial bearded visage was recognized around the world, but most people got to know him only through the iconic characters born of his fertile imagination: Kermit the Frog, Bert and Ernie, Miss Piggy, Big Bird. The Muppets made Jim Henson a household name, but they were just part of his remarkable story.


Detroit: an American Autopsy - Once the richest city in America, Detroit is now the nation’s poorest. Once the vanguard of America’s machine age—mass-production, blue-collar jobs, and automobiles—Detroit is now America’s capital for unemployment, illiteracy, dropouts, and foreclosures. With the steel-eyed reportage that has become his trademark, and the righteous indignation only a native son possesses, LeDuff sets out to uncover what destroyed his city. He beats on the doors of union bosses and homeless squatters, powerful businessmen and struggling homeowners and the ordinary people holding the city together by sheer determination.


50 Shades of Gray - When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating. The unworldly, innocent Ana is startled to realize she wants this man and, despite his enigmatic reserve, finds she is desperate to get close to him. Unable to resist Ana’s quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her, too—but on his own terms.


Hyperbole & a half: Unfortunate Situations, flawes coping mechanisms, mayhem, and other things that happend - Touching, absurd, and darkly comic, Allie Brosh’s highly anticipated book Hyperbole and a Half showcases her unique voice, leaping wit, and her ability to capture complex emotions with deceptively simple illustrations.


My Big Fat Zombie Fish - When Tom’s big brother decides to become an Evil Scientist, his first experiment involves dunking Frankie the goldfish into toxic green gunk. Tom knows that there is only one thing to do: Zap the fish with a battery and bring him back to life! But there’s something weird about the new Frankie. He’s now a BIG FAT ZOMBIE GOLDFISH with hypnotic powers . . . and he’s out for revenge!


The Beginning of everything - Varsity Tennis captain Ezra Faulkner was supposed to be homecoming king, but that was before—before his girlfriend cheated on him, before a car accident shattered his leg, and before he fell in love with unpredictable new girl Cassidy Thorpe.


Catastophe 1914: Europe goes to War -  Max Hastings gives us a conflict different from the familiar one of barbed wire, mud and futility. He traces the path to war, making clear why Germany and Austria-Hungary were primarily to blame, and describes the gripping first clashes in the West, where the French army marched into action in uniforms of red and blue with flags flying and bands playing. In August, four days after the French suffered 27,000 men dead in a single day, the British fought an extraordinary holding action against oncoming Germans, one of the last of its kind in history.

Barnes n Noble

Good Lord Bird - Henry Shackleford is a young slave living in the Kansas Territory in 1857, when the region is a battleground between anti- and pro-slavery forces. When John Brown, the legendary abolitionist, arrives in the area, an argument between Brown and Henry’s master quickly turns violent. Henry is forced to leave town—with Brown, who believes he’s a girl.
Over the ensuing months, Henry—whom Brown nicknames Little Onion—conceals his true identity as he struggles to stay alive


Monday, January 27, 2014

Unit 2 Readings

3. Billboard Design 101

- Create a clear visual HierarchyThe more important the more prominent, things related logically are related visually, & grouped visually.
-Take Advantage of Conventions; We’ve all been to one, and more importantly remember some sort of headline, or visual text hierarchy. Take advantage of what they had already implemented and take it one step further if it needs to.
-Break pages up into clearly defined Areas it allows the users to quickly navigate and ignore certain areas.
-Make it obvious what is clickable Since the majority of the time, were just looking for the next thing to click, make it obvious so the user isn’t wasting time looking.
-Minimize Noise Business and background noise, take away from the main info. When everything is fighting for attention, what sticks out? Nothing.

4. Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?

- Talked about mindlessness, and that people don’t generally care about how many clicks it takes to get to a page, if its not painful or they’re feeling like it is becoming strenuous. Also, let people know what page they are on or give them a general navigational pathway/acknowledgement.

5. Omit Needless Words

-This chapter really emphasized the use of words and the lack there of. generally stating that if it is not needed or really giving you insight on something, is it really important? As well as to quick with the happy talk; your not trying to cheer people up or welcome them to your site. they should already feel welcome.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Portfolio Site Sketches

Mood Board


7 portfolio websites - One of my favorite artist's, Alex Pardee, mixes dark with contrast in an overall simplistic website.  Yet  in a perfect way that blends with his work's characteristic's; Dark. - A great water color painter and a really simple website. white, background letting his work/slideshow do the talking and a bold nav just in case you were looking for something in particular. - Taking hip hop and graffiti to a whole new level, 123klan has been pushing out good work for sometime and always keeping that "street" vibe in there designs. A great and possibly my favorite new approach to pop art. - Where i hope to work in the future or at least intern for, Colossal media is a whole other level of beast. These guys bust out amazing pieces for clients on buildings nation wide, while always keeping their work hand-painted even in the harshest of weather. - Nycho's the weird, or so he goes by, is one of the most prolific street artist's and graphic designers out right now. also doing huge pieces but more notoriously known for his dissections of animals or people in an illustrative aspect. - the site is hit and miss but LowBros is a website showcasing the work of two german brothers who do some really interesting graphic work. hopefully it comes back up. heres a link to their facebook like their website insists - Last but not least, Niark is a french designer and artists, that somewhat has the same style as the lowbro's above.